Observed Section Trials are the best thing you can do with your time, and building a trials car is really not all that hard. Seeing the Ferrari F1 teams, local heroes in F3s etc. in 'factory built' machines, costing often, millions of dollars can put a damper on many aspirations of competitive driving. Trials car building does not have to be even a bit like that, so I'm putting together a description on the bits and pieces involved in the building of my own car as a demonstration that anyone can do it. This story isn't finished yet, and there's a few bits that need tidying up. I would be very grateful for any comments, feedback, so I can see what's needed, and hopefully help & encourage people to build some trials cars. Send me an email or use the forum. Observed Section Trials, Sporting Trials, or Mud Trials are an avenue to exercise one's special building skills without any real need for a degree in metallurgy, a bachelor of arts degree in human management to get a sponsor, or even a boilermakers certificate. Imagination is the key! |