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The Austin 7 Club Story

Based in Melbourne, Australia, The Austin 7 Club Inc. is one of the oldest one make car clubs in the country. An excellent source of spare parts for all Austin 7s, our own club rooms and an active social and competition calendar make this a very active and enjoyable club.

Applications for membership are welcome from people who reside anywhere in Australia or Overseas- see the front page for a link.

The Austin Seven Clubrooms are located in Units 8 and 9, at 19-23 Kylie Place, Cheltenham North, Victoria, Australia. For the first 45 years members met in rented premises before purchasing unit 8 in Cheltenham, which with substantial improvements and modifications, became the Clubs new permanent home. These Clubrooms were opened on the 4th February 1995 - a purpose-built auditorium with spare parts department, committee room, library and a kitchen set up for refreshments after each meeting- something which the members could be justifiably proud.

The Club purchased the next door unit 9 in 2003 and after renting it out, commenced in 2013 the major project of joining unit 8 and 9, relocating our spares department to a much larger purpose built area which was completed in 2015 and going on to expand the meeting room.

With the opening of the new kitchen in late 2017, completion of the chair storage area, carpeting and painting in 2018, the extension to the meeting room was finished, thanks to the excellent efforts of a large number of club members. 

A selection of Club pictures and Trophies has been added to the Clubroom. 

The Club holds a Monthly General Meeting (M.G.M.) at the Clubrooms on the first Wednesday of every month from February to December, where the formal business of the club is conducted in a meeting chaired by the Club President, starting at 8.00 pm. All Club members can have their say in the Club operation.

The Clubroom now has an NBN connection and all Club meetings are offered with Zoom for remote members and those unable to attend in person.

A traditional ‘Hot Air Session’ (H.A.S.) is held at the Clubrooms on the third Wednesday of every month from February to December, where members can get together to informally discuss Austin Sevens, Club Events and anything of interest, with from time to time guest speakers on related topics. H.A.S. meetings start at 8.15 pm if a speaker is scheduled.

The Austin Seven Spares Department located alongside the meeting room is open to members on the meeting nights- M.G.M. from 7.30 to 8.00 pm, H.A.S. from 7.45 to 9.00 pm unless there is a guest speaker and on the Saturday following the MGM (or the next Saturday if this clashes with a Club Event) from 12.00 to 2.30 pm often with a Club provided barbeque/sausage sizzle. 

As an assistance to remote Club members, Austin 7 Spare Parts can be ordered by mail from Janne and Robert Humphreys, 27 Peters Drive Cheltenham, Vic 3192 or by email.

The Clubrooms physical address is Unit 8/9, 19-23 Kylie Place Cheltenham North 3192. The Mail address is PO Box 462 Moorabbin 3189 - all mail to the Club must be sent to the postal address- any mail sent to street address at Kylie Place will not be received.

  • Meetings: Monthly General Meetings held on 1st Wednesday of the month. Hot Air Session held on 3rd Wednesday of the Month.
  • Club President: Len Kerwood.
  • Club Spares: John Shiells.
  • OST Group Chairprtson: Jason Stock.
  • Historic Winton Subcommittee Chairperson: Len Kerwood.

For more Club information click below-


A bit of Club History

For the Austin Seven Club 70th birthday celebration a recording was provided by Community Radio Station 88.3 Southern FM. Click the link below.
