
"A New Spark for An Old Maggie." by John Jackman.

New Spark

When the magneto on my Seven gave up the ghost a few months ago and I learnt of the cost to rewind it I decided it may make more sense to for-go some originality and convert the old B.T.H. to coil spark. I have managed to do this in a way that is not obvious and needs a good hard look to notice any difference.

 Starting at the battery, I ran a wire through a toggle switch to the positive side of a 6V coil concealed under the dash. From the negative side of the coil I ran a wire to a condenser concealed behind the magneto and to the wire from the points cover (normally used for shorting out the maggie). The pick-up cover was removed and a short length of H.T. wire soldered into the pickup carrier To do this you need to remove the carrier and grind away the bakelite coating on the carrier to expose the brass and then solder the H.T. lead to it. Then I insulated around this with araldite and replaced the pickup minus the spring and carbon brush between pick-up and slip ring. Next I drilled a hole for the H.T. lead though the side of the pickup cover nearest the engine so that the H.T. lead can be hidden along behind the magneto and connected to the coil.

 An alternative to bringing the H.T. lead from the pick-up is to drill the end of the distributor cap but this is more obvious. To do this you need to drill away the bakelite in the end of the rotor and use a spring loaded carbon button between it and the H.T. lead. Either way you need to remove the carbon brush and spring between pickup and slip ring.

 I first saw this modification rather crudely done on a veteran Austin about 20 years ago At the time I thought what a terrible thing to do because of the originality thing, but I guess as I get older and poorer, my priorities have changed some