Number plate

Updated January 2021


  • Commonly known as the Red Plate Scheme, controlled by the Austin 7 Club under VicRoads advice.

    Only Club financial members can apply for a 90 day permit or a 45 day permit (another 45 day permit may be purchased later on). The vehicle can be used any time for any purpose, only restricted to 45 or 90 days a year.

    A logbook is used to record the use of the vehicle and a windscreen label identifies current permit vehicles.

    VicRoads can suspend or cancel a permit if the permit holder does not comply with the permit conditions or engages in conduct which threatens public safety or undermines the integrity of the permit scheme.

    The Austin 7 Club has signed an Agreement with VicRoads covering their obligations including notifying VicRoads if they become aware of, or reasonably suspect, a pattern of incorrect use of a log book by one of its members.

    The Club has formally appointed the Membership Officer, currently Russell Dickson as the Club Permit Officer, with Rob Humphreys as his Deputy.

    'Slim Line' club permit number plates are available.

    A permit holder must remain a financial member of the Club, and the Permit Officer must notify VicRoads if financial membership ceases, although there is provision to join a new club within 14 days and provide notice to VicRoads.

    If a vehicle is sold or taken off the road, it is the owners responsibility to notify VicRoads, ensure the Log book is destroyed and the Plates returned to them if requested. To maintain the Club records it is necessary for the owner to also advise the Club Permit Officer that the vehicle has been sold.

    The Club will maintain a Register of club permit vehicles operated by members, which will include photos of each vehicle and must be updated with any change of body or major mechanical component. If requested by VicRoads, the Club will provide a current copy of the Register or cross-check the Register against records provided by VicRoads and notify VicRoads of any discrepancies.

    If the Club Permit Officer determines that any members club permit vehicle may not be safe for use on a highway, the Club must notify that member of the suspected safety issue(s) and require that any such issues be rectified within 14 days.

    The Club Permit Officer is obliged to advise VicRoads if he becomes aware of incorrect use of a club permit log book by a Club member or that a vehicle operated by a member under a club permit is being used contrary to the Scheme or that a member has ceased to be financial. If the vehicle operated by a member under a club permit has been sold or otherwise disposed of then it is the owners responsibility to advise VicRoads and destroy the club permit log book/club permit following disposal. The owner must then remove the permit number plates and return them to VicRoads.

    If the Club Permit Officer becomes aware, the Club must advise VicRoads that a vehicle operated by a member under a club permit has been disposed of with the intention of undermining the Scheme (that is, the vehicle has been "sold" to a friend or relative so that another club permit log book can be obtained, but the vehicle continues to be driven by the previous owner).

    The Club Permit Officer is charged with providing written verification that the applicant is a financial member and to process an initial application for a club permit by a member, he must confirm that the vehicle in the application is an 'eligible vehicle safe for use on a highway and complies with any VicRoads relevant safety standards' which requires him to sight a current Certificate of Roadworthiness for the vehicle. This requirement does not apply to renewals.

    Following January 2015 review-

    The Club Permit Officers will require the following with all NEW Club Permit Scheme applications


    • MUST be on the Revised Club Permit Application Form


    • MUST be accompanied by a Vehicle Eligibility and Standards Declaration for Club Permit Vehicles Form


    • MUST be accompanied by a current Certificate of Roadworthiness (within 30 days of the Declaration Date)


    • Dated photographs of the vehicle front, driver's side, back, driving positions (side on with driver's door open), and where possible - Chassis number, engine number, car number and a photo of ALL modifications.


    • An application for a "modified" Austin 7 MUST be accompanied by a VASS approval certificate


    • An application for a "modified" Austin 7 motorcycle MUST be shown to meet the Standards applying to Motorcycle & Mopeds VSI 4

    Click below for full details of the VicRoads scheme including access to the appropriate forms -

    'The Association of Motoring Clubs' has issued a Club Permit Scheme Handbook.

    Owners must check the expiry date of their current Permit to confirm when renewal is due. Apparently due to some occasional problems at VicRoads, a few Permit Holders have not received renewal notices on time.

    If not received 2 weeks before expiry, contact VicRoads. When the renewal is received check that all the information recorded is correct. VicRoads also experience delays in processing postal Permit Scheme renewals, caused by reduced staffing levels. It is suggested that where possible renewals should be carried out at VicRoads branches rather than posting to VicRoads headquarters. All renewals will be checked by VicRoads to confirm that the application is signed by the approved Club Permit Officer.  

    Following some problems with incorrect entries in the database at VicRoads it is recommended that you retain a 'photocopy' of the VicRoads payment receipt with the Logbook in the car at all times.

    With the responsibility for compliance with eligibility, the Club will not authorise CPS applications for MODIFIED vehicles other than Austin 7s and their derivatives. 


    In April 2019 the Transport Secretary announced-


    "Operational, customer and contract management functions, services and roles that are currently delivered by PTV and VicRoads will be consolidated into a new division of DoT. This includes bringing together staff from PTV and VicRoads to DoT."



    FOLLOWING A REVIEW October 2020-


    The Vic Roads new Club Permit Agreement is shown below:


    Club_permit_agreement late 2020 blank.pdf


    • A fee will be charged for first issue permit vehicle plates. With one plate for Vintage Cars these will be half the Post Vintage two plate price of $38.10 .


    • VicRoads will have the power to issue permits with conditions. For example, vehicles without lights will not be allowed to operate at night, and vehicles with steel wheels will have restricted road use.


    • VicRoads will take strong action to disallow commercial use of CPS vehicles following permit vehicles being illegally used for reward in weddings and gardening services


    • The introduction of Slim Line Plates for CPS vehicles is planned for 2021 .


    • Reassignment of deceased permit holder’s permit to surviving spouse will be recognised in the regulations.


    • Renewing Club Permit online is now available- you will need to apply for a 'myvicroads' account. The Club Permit Officer Signature is required on the application form which can be scanned and uploaded to VicRoads online when paying.


    • Change of eligibility requirement from Club 'financial member' to simply Club 'member'. It is now  up to the club to determine if the permit holder is a financial member.


    • There will be an obligation on permit holder to notify VicRoads within 14 days of any changes of details such as address, etc.