Life Members

This display still needs a few photos.

From time to time, the Club has bestowed Honorary Life Memberships on those who have conspicuously served the Club. This page briefly encapsulate their contributions.


Fred Thorne (November 1960)

Fred was one of the founding members of the Club in 1950 and a member of the first nine committees, serving as President from 1952 to 1956, and again in 1959. His original Austin 7 Special was the most elegant car at the early Albert Park Club meetings and is still in the Club.

John Pryce (April 1962)

John was extremely active in all sections of the Club, but in particular with Observed Section Trials, which he introduced into the Club shortly after joining in 1950. John had competed in O.S.T.s in England, and continued to compete in Australia with participation from all members of his family. He served on committee from 1950 to 1958 and on the CAMS Track Safety Committee for a number of years. Having been President of the CAMS Victoria State Council for some years, John was recognised with the CAMS Award of Merit. During all this he still had time to be the Competitions Manager of BP Australia. A notably affable and enthusiastic member, his passing was commemorated by renaming the Park Orchards Trial in his honour.

Frank Walter (October 1964)

Frank served for 18 years on the club committee and ran the communication team at Sandown Park during the Club's tenure at that function. He also served as the Club's CAMS Delegate for some years and was a recipient of the CAMS Service Award. In addition, Frank was on the Longines Timing Team for the Bluebird land speed record attempts in Australia and was the course checker for the Sun Rally in 1953 which became the BP Rally. A computer expert from the days of home built examples, Frank oversaw the Club's adoption of the technology in membership, spares and accounting. His keen ear for detail and intimate knowledge of the Club's constitution and history kept the committee on track at meetings. He passed all his expertise in Club membership recording to Geoff Taylor who still uses his instructions.

Fred Darling (December 1965)

Fred was an accountant in an earlier life and put in nine years as Vice President/Treasurer (1956-64), and subsequently served as our Honorary Auditor for some years. He ran the communications team at Phillip Island in its various incarnations, was on the team at Sandown capping off this communications career by heading up all the A.G.P. teams until the years stopped being prefixed by "19". After all this he found to completed the restoration of his Austin Seven. Fred still regularly attends every monthly general meeting. 

Trevor Cole (September 1974)

Trevor served six years on committee and on a number of sub-committees, whilst also being one of the most active Austin 7 racing drivers. He has competed continuously from the 750 Formula days right through into the historic era and was still at it until recently. He attained his pilot's licence in time for his eightieth birthday and it is rumoured that he is being considered for classification by the National Trust.

John Whitehouse (September 1974)

John was a committee member for four years, and an active racing participant. He was responsible for introducing the Six Hour Relay Race to Australia, with our Club conducting the event from 1960 to 1969. He also, in collaboration with Bill Morling, built a definitive 750 Formula car, the Whitmor, which they campaigned for a season in the U.K., to the dismay and astonishment of the local Austin 7 racers.

Dale Shaw (September 1974)

Dale was Secretary of the Club from 1966 to 1971, having already commenced an active motor sport career. A gifted and innovative designer, Dale progressed through Austin 7 racing cars, and then diversified into O.S.T. cars, with which he dominated for many years, winning the Victorian Motorkhana Championship twice in one such car. It is a testimony to his workmanship that both his racing car, and some of his trials cars, are still extant up to 40 years later.

Graeme Logan (December 1977)

Graeme commenced his service to the Club as Membership Secretary from 1969 to 1972, and has been involved in some capacity pretty much ever since. Highlights include the establishment of the spare parts section, which he ran from home for many years, and later being instrumental in the acquisition and reconstruction of our Clubrooms, including our new Spares store. The quintessential Club man, Graeme co-organised Arthur's Seat Hillclimb, officiates at Myrniong and Historic Winton and still finds time to rebuild Austins. He is always active in Club runs, and can be relied on to quietly get on with the job.

Geoff Taylor (December 1977)

Geoff was Club Secretary for five years up to 1965, subsequently Comp. Sec., later returning to the committee as Membership Secretary. He is well known for his participation in O.S.Ts, being one of the first to build a Special, the AusTen. In more recent times, Geoff has campaigned the Buggeratti, which is a bit like Grandpa's axe, bearing scant resemblance to its initial specification.

Tony Johns (December 1977)

Tony spent several years on Committee in various capacities, culminating in his Presidency in 1973. Amongst other activities, Tony is notable for his tidy and extremely rapid conduct of a series of racing Austins, and spearheaded the legendary "raid", when a team of cars was built and taken to England, showing the locals how an Austin 7 racing car should be built.

John Bowring (December 1977)

John "Shanks" Bowring served on the Committee for six terms between 1958 and 1968, and was well known for creating and competing in the whole spectrum of cars, from O.S.T. specials through racing cars to his very smart Ulster Austin. His work officiating at the original Park Orchards was legendary and later his technical expertise was renowned in helping with Club Spares. He is a great loss to the club.

David Lowe (December 1977)

Competition Secretary from 1968 to 1971, David was deeply involved in running the Six Hour Relay, being Secretary of the Meeting from 1967 to 1972, when our Club last conducted the event. To show that he hadn't had enough, he then ran the Arthur's Seat Hillclimb and when this finished he took on a new Historic Sprint Event at Myrniong. A knowledgeable designer and builder of racing cars, David is one of the fortunate few who derives his living from refettling classic cars for others.

Bill Sheehan (December 1978)

Bill served seven and a half years on Committee, winding up as President. Coachwork creator, raconteur and walking encyclopaedia on all things Austin, Bill is familiar as a commentator at historic events, his erudite insights giving counterpoise to the ramblings of others. His work on starting Historic Winton will go down in Club folklore.

Robert Humphreys (1980)

Rob joined the Club in the early 1960's, and has served many roles on the Committee. Six years were spent as Editor of The Light Shaft and in 1995, a year as President then came back for more, having volunteered once again as Editor in 2002! Rob was active in O.S.Ts but has now settled back into more Austin-like pursuits. He also contributed very greatly to the modifications to the Club Rules required for the Clubs incorporated role.

Ilona Booth (1983)

Ilona is more than just a pretty face, having a sharp intellect and a range of interests far wider than merely the sphere of vintage motoring. Her involvement with the Club encompasses the whole gamut, having joined the Club many years ago with her late husband Bob. Ilona has been a trials passenger, Winton Meeting Secretary and Editor, as well as a driving force in encouraging a diversity of social events with their focus above the bonnet.

Brenda Campbell (1983)

From modest beginnings passengering for husband Grant in O.S.Ts, Brenda's organisational capacity soon became apparent. Her fifteen-year tenure as Secretary of the Historic Winton race meeting coincided with its development as the pre-eminent event on the National historic calendar, and her polite but determined persistence has resulted in many improvements for historic racing generally.

Norma Brown (1986)

Norma appeared on the scene initially as "Stewie's Mum", but remained for years after his departure, cheerfully and tirelessly doing any mundane task, be it scorekeeping at an O.S.T., or any other chore. A jolly soul, and a jolly good sport.

Grant Campbell (May 1995)

Grant arrived on the scene in the 1970's as one of those "naturals" excell at winning O.S.Ts. Trouble is, he hasn't stopped winning yet, with many John Pryce Trials to his name, plus all other OST trials. Grant's input into the early running of Historic Winton can't be overstated, particularly in the design of programmes and artwork for both this and Arthur's Seat hill climb. With Brenda they represented the Club as delegates to CAMS State Council- a thankless task but necessary. Grant's forthright contributions to Monthly club meetings kept the Committee on its toes.

Doug Veel (November 1995)

Doug Veel was one of the club originals joining in 1951. In the early days he was noted for the number of different Austins he had owned, often buying one on the Saturday, competing in a Sunday event, and selling it the next week. He was also noted for the diabolical cunning with which he set the clues for Treasure Hunts. With a stint in 1993-4 as President and the posts of Vice Pres/Treasurer and Minute Sec. in early years, he has always contributed much to the running of the Club.

Michael Shegog (1999)

This Club is fortunate in having members who can channel their expertise to the Club's advantage. One such is Mike Shegog, who has put untold time and effort into the development of our Spares Department. Whether it be sourcing parts worldwide, or commissioning the manufacture of items not otherwise available, Mike has built this area into the envy of other historic marques.

Bob Booth (2000)

Bob was lively as a cricket, with an enquiring mind and a gift for lateral thinking. His birthdate of Feb. 29th meant that he was always young- perhaps this explained his boundless enthusiasm. He was always forthcoming with hints and encouragement for car builders young and old, creating mechanical marvels from the most unlikely sources. His work in Club Spares developing parts such as the legendary magneto to coil device will always keep him in mind - he is greatly missed by all who knew him.

Rick Perry (2001)

Another one of the Club's quiet achievers, Rick first came to prominence as a special builder par excellence in the sixties, with a succession of cars for the O.S.T, 'khana and clubman sports categories, along with his friend and rival Dale Shaw. Rick subsequently became more involved with Austins, while still finding time to campaign a succession of historic racing cars. His organisational flair manifested itself as Treasurer, in developing our accounting system to its present high standard, and his calm, pragmatic approach to management problems is invaluable in tackling issues that may arise.

John Cox (2002)

A tireless worker for the club, especially OSTs, John joined the club in 1972, competing in OSTs, Motorkhanas in a 'seat of the pants' style that endeared him to all who watched. He won the Geoff Taylor Trophy & The John Pryce Memorial (Park Orchards Trial) on a number of occasions. He later  moved into directing trials.

Noel Wilcox (November 2015)

Noel has been an active club member since 1993. As well as driving his Austin 7 racing car in sprints, hillclimbs and other race events, for the last ten years he has worked tirelessly on Historic Winton, chairing the Historic Winton subcommittee and being the driving force in expanding the meeting into an extensive historic vehicle display.

Len  Kerwood (December 2017)

Len is our longest serving President and has presided over some momentous events, including bringing the club back from a committee upset to overseeing the major rebuilding of the clubrooms. His steadying hand has been a great help in the continued expansion of the Club over many years